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'Red Princess of the Silk Road' new LIVESCIENCE - Health
20250313 17:20:29
How does rowing affect your heart, and is it different to running? new LIVESCIENCE - Health
20250313 17:20:29
Epigenetic 'scars' on the genome can be passed down by grandmothers, study finds new LIVESCIENCE - Health
20250313 17:20:29
POLG diseases: Rare genetic conditions that starve cells of energy and afflicted the late Prince of Luxembourg new LIVESCIENCE - Health
20250313 17:20:29
Federal Addiction And Mental Health Agency Faces Major Staff Cuts new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
Girl Scouts Say Cookies Are Safe Despite Lawsuit Claiming They Contain Heavy Metals new HealthDay
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Downplays Measles Vaccine as Cases Surge new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
Red Wine Protects Against Cancer? Maybe Not new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
Weed Use During Pregnancy Triples Risk Of Behavioral Problems In Kids new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
Red Wine Isn’t Any Healthier Than White Wine—With Two Possible Exceptions new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
Red Wine No Better Than White in Terms of Cancer Risk new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
AAD: Ivarmacitinib 4 mg, 8 mg Efficacious for Adults With Severe Alopecia Areata new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
AAOS: Spouses of Patients Undergoing Joint Replacement See Their Own Lives Improve new HealthDay
20250313 17:20:34
Considerable Proportion of Medical Device Adverse Events Reported Late new HealthDay
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Short Sleep Doubles Risk for Elevated Blood Pressure in Teens new HealthDay
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Father of seven, 46, suffered just ONE easy-to-dismiss symptom before being diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer: 'I was sent home with laxatives' new Mail Online - Health
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Is YOUR local hospital one of Britain's worst? From A&E waits to the backlog for routine ops and cancer treatment, our interactive data-tracker ... new Mail Online - Health
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Why being TALL could kill you: Expert reveals how people above average height are more at risk of a catalogue of illnesses from ... new Mail Online - Health
20250313 17:10:07
Woman, 31, reveals jaw-dropping 30 stone weight loss she acheived using two simple lifestyle tweaks new Mail Online - Health
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Mother-of-four collapses and vomits blood after injecting 'weight loss jab', triggers warning new Mail Online - Health
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Women who watch too much porn may suffer a disturbing personality change, scientists discover new Mail Online - Health
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Chemical contamination in drinking water could be causing high cholesterol, experts warn new Mail Online - Health
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Starmer says 'flabby, unfocused and over-cautious' state is giving worst value EVER as he says NHS England will be abolished - and vows ... new Mail Online - Health
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Sarah had pain and bloating but was denied a vital cancer check because of a nurse's 'beliefs'. What happened next is truly shocking... ... new Mail Online - Health
20250313 17:10:07
Researchers discover another terrifying side effect caused by Ozempic that some only notice when it's too late new Mail Online - Health
20250313 17:10:07
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