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To Christmas markets that run year-round new The Globe and Mail
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Trudeau appoints a cabinet of caretakers for his government’s dying days new The Globe and Mail
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This is Christmas in an affordability crisis: worry, frustration and the helpers making magic new The Globe and Mail
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Vancouver mayor pushing for investment in Bitcoin new The Globe and Mail
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It’s a nine-letter word for ‘comforting holiday tradition’ new The Globe and Mail
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Behind Chrystia Freeland’s tactical toughness as the America whisperer new The Globe and Mail
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How Canada’s food inspectors missed a deadly listeria outbreak new The Globe and Mail
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Winter solstice event at Stonehenge draws thousands of revellers new The Globe and Mail
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Free time: What to watch, listen to and download this week new The Globe and Mail
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My mother, The Manners Lady, taught me that the rules of etiquette were sometimes meant to be broken new The Globe and Mail
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Can Trudeau prorogue? Rideau Hall is back at the centre of politics new The Globe and Mail
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The Canadian Food Inspection agency’s reliance on third-party audits is a risk to food safety, experts say new The Globe and Mail
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Why you should winter like a kid new The Globe and Mail
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Death toll in German car attack at Christmas market rises to five, with more than 200 injured new The Globe and Mail
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New planes that can limit window-gazing are taking the magic out of flying new The Globe and Mail
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Inside the Freeland fallout: How Trudeau’s leadership came under fire new The Globe and Mail
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After Canada-wide recall in deadly listeria outbreak, some products were still found on shelves new The Globe and Mail
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As winter arrives, learn the art of falling properly new The Globe and Mail
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Alberta Opposition Leader Naheed Nenshi is missing in action as Danielle Smith continues to dominate new The Globe and Mail
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These are the Christmas songs Globe readers wish had been included in our holiday bracket new The Globe and Mail
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The chaos in Ottawa reflects an economic crisis rumbling across the world new The Globe and Mail
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The not-so-perfect reality behind the perfect holiday family photo new The Globe and Mail
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Canadian Tire tightens recruiting rules for temporary foreign workers new The Globe and Mail
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The problem isn’t Trudeau; it’s that prime ministers have too much power new The Globe and Mail
20241221 07:01:31
Canadian singer’s family says she was instrumental in discovery of George Gershwin new The Globe and Mail
20241221 07:01:31
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