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State funeral to be held for former President Jimmy Carter new VOA News
20241230 17:50:02
VOA Correspondent Kane Farabaugh reflects on long relationship with former President Jimmy Carter new VOA News
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China unveils new assault ship and futuristic fighter jets new VOA News
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Gun owners eager to see firearms restrictions scrapped under Trump new VOA News
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Trump endorses Johnson to stay on as House Speaker after government funding turmoil new VOA News
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US announces $2.5 billion in new Ukraine aid new VOA News
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Appeals court upholds $5 million award in sexual abuse verdict against president-elect Trump new VOA News
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Kenya grapples with protests despite political unity efforts new VOA News
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Taliban say they will close all NGOs employing Afghan women new VOA News
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Iran confirms arrest of Italian journalist Cecilia Sala new VOA News
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Broccoli sprouts and their effect on breast cancer new Food News
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Use Your Freezer to Fight Food Waste, Protect the Planet new HealthDay
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Heat Waves Threaten Brain Health, Study Suggests new HealthDay
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Moms Take on 70% of 'Mental Load' for Household Tasks: Study new HealthDay
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Norovirus Cases Are Up in Pockets of the U.S. new HealthDay
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CDC Reports Potentially Troublesome Mutations in Bird Flu Found in Louisiana Patient new HealthDay
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Breastfeeding Initiation Rates Increased During 2022 Infant Formula Crisis new HealthDay
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Prebiopsy MRI Oncologically Safe for Suspected Prostate Cancer new HealthDay
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Guidance Issued for Use of Metformin to Prevent Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain new HealthDay
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Odds of Metabolic Disease Lower With Fast Subjective Walking Speed in Patients With Obesity new HealthDay
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Distinct Driving Patterns Seen for Seniors With Major Depressive Disorder new HealthDay
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More questions than answers over cause of South Korea plane crash new CBS News - World
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Shark kills tourist, injures another off Egypt's Red Sea coast new CBS News - World
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Israel faces calls to free Gaza hospital chief held as Hamas suspect new CBS News - World
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Truck carrying wedding guests plunges into a river, killing dozens new CBS News - World
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