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Exhibition of Pompeii’s sex scenes aims to decode erotica new Guardian - Science
20241221 12:10:17
The dark days are over! Winter Solstice is today, marking the shortest day of the year with just 7 hours and 49 minutes ... new MailOnline - Science
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Astronomers Discover Planets Building Each Other in Space new SciTechDaily
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Unlock the Science of Deep Sleep and Memory Formation new SciTechDaily
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“Mirror Bacteria” Warning: A New Kind of Life Could Pose a Global Threat new SciTechDaily
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Revolutionizing Quantum Tech: Palm-Sized Lasers Break Lab Boundaries new SciTechDaily
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Unlocking Nature’s Secret: How Invisible Forces Create Perfect Patterns new SciTechDaily
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Cancer patients benefit GREATLY from the right type of exercise, new research reveals new NaturalHealth365
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Germans mourn attack on Christmas market with no answers why new 1 News Now
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Do EVs still stack up after a tough year? new 1 News Now
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Mystery drone sightings continue in US - here's what we know new 1 News Now
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JonBenet Ramsey's father reveals stunning breakthrough in hunt for man who tortured, sexually assaulted and killed the six-year-old beauty queen in 1996 new MailOnline - News
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IVF guru, a lab scientist and questions over two babies whose parents attended his clinic were secretly fathered by the same lab technician ... new MailOnline - News
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Taxpayers set to shoulder £43billion worth of council debt under Labour's devolution plans new MailOnline - News
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Eight convicted of involvement of the 2020 beheading of teacher Samuel Paty new MailOnline - News
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Incest sex slave horror: Couple who raped their four daughters, aged 12 to 21 left them with pelvic injuries, bruising and sexually transmitted ... new MailOnline - News
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Royals caught out with ANOTHER digitally altered snap - as Prince Edward and Sophie switch Christmas card to make them more like Queen ... new MailOnline - News
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German Christmas market attack death toll rises to four: Doctor, 50, held after car smashed through crowd is 'an ex-Muslim who fled Saudi ... new MailOnline - News
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Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo are dogged by infidelity rumours as fans question the pair's relationship timelines amid Wicked filming new MailOnline - News
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Jordan Pickford 'downs shots and parties in the same bar as Kyle Walker's ex Lauryn Goodman' during boozy night out in London new MailOnline - News
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Revealed: The real reason GB News host Isabel Webster 'was replaced as Eamonn Holmes' co-star after secret feud new MailOnline - News
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Now Labour minister Tulip Siddiq faces questions over $1bn Russian arms deal her aunt penned on family visit to the Kremlin new MailOnline - News
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'I can't believe they have done this'... Outrage after the singing Marsh family who previously appeared on the BBC's Children in Need release ... new MailOnline - News
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WHAM!'s Last Christmas crowned UK's 2024 Christmas Number 1 for a second record breaking year beating hopeful Tom Grennan who got a tattoo ... new MailOnline - News
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I've spent the last week in Germany and seen the tensions first hand. This Christmas market carnage will make a dangerous situation even ... new MailOnline - News
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