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2025 in SPACEFLIGHT: The incredible missions set to take off next year, revealed - from China's daring asteroid retrieval to the first private trip ... new MailOnline - Science
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What is a black moon? How and when you can watch the rare lunar event as it appears in the skies TONIGHT new MailOnline - Science
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You've been doing the laundry wrong! Experts reveal exactly how often you should wash your jeans - as they warn overdoing it can ... new MailOnline - Science
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'Godfather of AI' shortens odds that new technology will wipe out human race over the next 30 years new MailOnline - Science
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What would happen minute-by-minute if a SUPERFLARE with the force of billions of atomic bombs hit Earth new MailOnline - Science
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Sex in space 'dolphin-style' is the new frontier as scientists call for snuggies, straddling and Velcro new MailOnline - Science
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Can YOU tell which is the strongest? Humans are 'terrible' at judging knots - see if you can decipher them new MailOnline - Science
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Stillness and shock after South Korea's plane tragedy - but families' anger is boiling over new Sky news - World
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Russia's 'hybrid attacks' against NATO 'look like war' and allies must draw 'red lines' new Sky news - World
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British teen sentenced over Dubai 'holiday romance' with 17-year-old girl surrenders to authorities new Sky news - World
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Joe Biden 'still believes he could have beaten Donald Trump' if he had stayed in US election new Sky news - World
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Bodycam footage shows prison guards beating handcuffed inmate before his death new Sky news - World
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US attorney general tried to block Gerry Adams fundraising over IRA weapons fears, unearthed records reveal new Sky news - World
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Model and actress Dayle Haddon dies new Sky news - World
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20-day-old baby freezes to death in Gaza new Sky news - World
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Airplane seats and magazines strewn on runway new Sky news - World
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Russia and Ukraine swap at least 300 prisoners of war new Sky news - World
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Actor Linda Lavin dies at 87 from cancer complications new NBC News
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Gal Gadot reveals she had a 'massive blood clot' during pregnancy new NBC News
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What we know about the South Korea plane crash that killed 179 people new NBC News
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Berlin says Elon Musk is trying to exert influence over German election new NBC News
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Matthew Gaudreau widow gives birth after husband and NHL star brother Johnny Gaudreau killed new NBC News
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Jimmy Carter's legacy and severe weather in the South: Morning Rundown new NBC News
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Record-breaking heat likely to continue in 2025, accelerating climate change new VOA News - Science & Health
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Added benefit of faricimab for macular degeneration not proven by manufacturer new medicalXpress
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