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Biden signs bill that averts government shutdown and brings a close to days of Washington upheaval new The Globe and Mail
20241221 21:50:09
Trudeau appoints a cabinet of caretakers for his government’s dying days new The Globe and Mail
20241221 21:50:09
Two killed, one injured in Metro Vancouver vehicle crash new The Globe and Mail
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At Montreal’s Ma Chambre, residents at risk of homelessness receive a room of one’s own new The Globe and Mail
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Buy it, love it: 21 items that changed our lives in 2024 new The Globe and Mail
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Germans mourn the 5 killed and 200 injured in the apparent attack on a Christmas market new The Globe and Mail
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Syria’s new rulers name foreign minister amid push for international relations new The Globe and Mail
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All-time stolen base leader Rickey Henderson dies at 65 new The Globe and Mail
20241221 21:50:09
Social-media fundraising is the trendy model of altruism. But is it better than giving to traditional charities? new The Globe and Mail
20241221 21:50:09
Montreal police seek suspect in alleged kidnapping, attempted murder of woman new The Globe and Mail
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From the sacred to the profane, a look back at an action-packed year in sports new The Globe and Mail
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Ukrainian drones strike deep into Russian territory, 1,000 km from the front line new The Globe and Mail
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Manchester City slump deepens after 2-1 defeat to Aston Villa in Premier League new The Globe and Mail
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Alberta government releases foundation for new coal-mining policy new The Globe and Mail
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Canada’s Reece Howden captures second gold in men’s World Cup ski cross competition new The Globe and Mail
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Celine Dion is our 2024 artist of the year new The Globe and Mail
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Our 2024 Travel Hall of Infamy Awards honour the best of the worst tourist behaviour new The Globe and Mail
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37 people die in a crash between a passenger bus and a truck in Brazil new The Globe and Mail
20241221 18:50:09
Chaos in Ottawa reflects an economic crisis rumbling across the world new The Globe and Mail
20241221 16:00:19
CPP report sides with experts who say Alberta is owed smaller share of assets if it pulls out new The Globe and Mail
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Syria’s new rulers name foreign minister amid push for international relations new The Globe and Mail
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Ten thoughtful last-minute gifts that take only minutes to buy new The Globe and Mail
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A rocket from Yemen strikes Tel Aviv, injuring 16, as Palestinians mourn 19 dead in Gaza new The Globe and Mail
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The Globe and Mail’s 2024 giant holiday crossword puzzle new The Globe and Mail
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Dog blood donors in PEI save lives while enjoying their treats new The Globe and Mail
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