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Foreign worker visa program faces uncertainty under second Trump term new VOA News
20241221 12:50:04
Trump wants to quickly end Gaza war — can he? new VOA News
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Death toll in attack on German Christmas market rises to 5; more than 200 injured new VOA News
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Missile fired from Yemen hits Israel, wounding 16 new VOA News
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Younger Asian Americans navigate something new to their generation: Taking up space new VOA News
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VOA Kurdish: Torture and repression in Iraqi and Syrian prisons new VOA News
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Myanmar ethnic rebels say they’ve captured junta western command new VOA News
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VOA Russian: Russian society broadly supports Putin's ideas, including possible nuclear strikes new VOA News
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VOA Kurdish: Kurdistan Regional Government working to ease tensions in northeast Syria new VOA News
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Ukraine strike kills 6 in Russia's Kursk region new VOA News
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Luna Park launches legal action to protect NYE party amid rail union disputes new 9News
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Father's plea after Aussie boy stuck in Vanuatu following earthquake disaster new 9News
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'Newest frontier of poverty' impacting Aussie kids new 9News
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Neo-Nazis unveil 'disgusting' sign outside Victorian parliament new 9News
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Family's anguish as neighbour allegedly caught on camera bashing missing dog new 9News
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Recent high school graduate allegedly stabbed to death after brawl new 9News
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Delta Goodrem turns to Hollywood for TV Christmas special new 9News
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Man accused of incest, child sex assault extradited to the ACT new 9News
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Man found dead after seemingly struck by car in NSW Blue Mountains new 9News
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Government accused of fuelling inflation after new spending figures new 9News
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Embarrassed Aussies driving out of town to access support amid 'silent epidemic' new 9News
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Queensland government to review DV service struggling to pick up calls new 9News
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Emergency warnings issued as bushfires continue in Victoria new 9News
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Cop allegedly stabbed with sword while responding to domestic disturbance new 9News
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Six generation circus dynasty Stardust returns to Sydney big top new 9News
20241221 12:50:05
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