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Suspect in Germany auto attack self-identified as Islamophobic and anti-immigrationist new NBC News
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Blake Lively accuses 'It Ends With Us' co-star Justin Baldoni of sexual harassment and retaliation new NBC News
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Lively’s complaint accuses Baldoni of creating a hostile work environment new NBC News
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Theodore Parisienne / New York Daily News via Getty Images new NBC News
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'Nickel Boys' brings to life the notorious cruelty of a Southern reform school new NBC News
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Complete mastodon jaw fossil found in New York backyard new NBC News
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Top candidate to replace Vance in the Senate travels to Mar-a-Lago fueling speculation new Fox News
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Liberal arts college uses Trump’s name to promote class on White supremacy new Fox News
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Marco Rubio's son scores first collegiate touchdown — gets mobbed by his teammates new Fox News
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Incoming GOP rep reveals how DOGE will end 'business as usual' in DC new Fox News
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Moms sound the alarm, plead with Washington to overhaul America's food new Fox News
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Legendary actor ditches $35 million mansion sea barrier plan after clash with neighbors new Fox News
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'007' series in turmoil as producers, Amazon can't agree on franchise new Fox News
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14 injured in Israel after projectile from Yemen struck into Tel Aviv new Fox News
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NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captures image of 'cosmic eye' spiral galaxy new Fox News
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America eradicates a pesky insect and an NBA team’s personal foul: The weekly news quiz new NBC News
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Teenager accused in Wisconsin school shooting had a tumultuous family life, court documents show new NBC News
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After Hurricane Helene, North Carolina's holiday tourist season grinds to a halt new NBC News
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It's the shortest day of the year, and winter is officially here new NBC News
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