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Reports: Baseball Hall-of-Famer Rickey Henderson dies at age 65 new UPI
20241221 23:10:22
Trump taps former 'The Apprentice' producer for U.K. special envoy new UPI
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Pope Francis warns against gossip, praises family and humility new UPI
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Activity at 3 airports restricted after Ukrainian drones strike deep inside Russia new UPI
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Houthi missile strikes Israel after countermeasures fail new UPI
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Children among at least 13 killed in stampedes at charity events in Nigeria new VOA News
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Trump wants US to dominate AI as industry weighs benefits, risks new VOA News
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New musical project tells 1800s story of US transcontinental railroad new VOA News
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Trump is already confronting the limitations of his electoral mandate new CNN
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A day in the life of Toyosu, the world’s greatest fish market new Economist
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When doing the right thing goes wrong new Economist
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Charlemagne: We need to talk about Europe’s Kevins new Economist
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Can Lego remain the world’s coolest toymaker? new Economist
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FDA approves weight-loss drug Zepbound to treat sleep apnea new UPI
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Winter solstice arrives; storms could disrupt record holiday travels new UPI
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38 dead, 13 injured in Brazil bus-truck crash early morning new UPI
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Justin Baldoni calls Blake Lively's lawsuit claims 'categorically false' new UPI
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