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What we know about suspect in Christmas market attack in Germany new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20241222 14:50:24
Americans more hopeful about 2025 than they were for 2024 — CBS News poll new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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German authorities had received tipoffs about Christmas market attack suspect new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Why drone hysteria has taken off new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Since its premiere in 1742, George Frideric Handel's 3.5-hour oratorio for chorus, soloists and orchestra has become a timeless message of hope, and ... new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Poll: Most Americans think government is hiding information about drones new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Transcript: Alejandro Mayorkas on 'Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan,' Dec. 22, 2024 new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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2 U.S. Navy pilots eject safely when jet shot down by likely 'friendly fire' new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Lara Trump won't pursue Rubio's Florida Senate seat, she says new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Who killed JonBenét Ramsey? Her dad believes DNA could reveal killer new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Several hurt after driver plows through Texas mall; suspect killed by police new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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CDC releases concerning new flu numbers new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Kari Lake says she has no intention of turning Voice of America into 'Trump TV' new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Will convicted wife killer Scott Peterson get a new trial? new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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House Ethics Committee expected to release Matt Gaetz report on Monday new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Mark Burnett, 'The Apprentice' creator, tapped as special envoy to the U.K. new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Rickey Henderson, MLB Hall of Famer, dies at 65 new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Party City files for bankruptcy, a day after announcing mass layoffs new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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How Feminism Can Guide Climate Change Action new Scientific American
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NYPD chief resigns amid sexual misconduct claims new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Blake Lively accuses 'It Ends with Us' co-star of sexual harassment new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Behold! 2024’s Most Stunning Space Photos new Scientific American
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Most Expensive Dinosaur Fossil Ever Could Reveal Stegosaurus new Scientific American
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An owl came down a chimney and perched on a Christmas tree: See the video new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Rocket from Yemen strikes Tel Aviv, injuring 16 people new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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