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UK’s Online Censorship Bill: A dangerous assault on FREE SPEECH and democratic freedoms new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
New research debunks cardiac safety SMEAR CAMPAIGN waged against Hydroxychloroquine combination therapy new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
Congress’s last-minute funding bill hides a potential reprieve for federal censorship arm GEC new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
Journalist Lara Logan gives impassioned speech, exposing the Blood Sport of Information Warfare new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
The new scientific priesthood wants complete control of what we are told new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
JUSTICE: Fani Willis FINALLY removed from Trump Georgia election case new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
Yale study finds spike proteins from COVID jabs persist for TWO YEARS: Are mRNA vaccines rewriting human DNA? new Natural News
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Bird flu panic: Is California’s state of emergency overhyped? new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
Mike Adams Sermon 66: God will DESTROY ISRAEL for its wickedness new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
White House aides knew Biden was mentally and physically unfit to be president from the very beginning new Natural News
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Antony Blinken: U.S. has provided Ukraine with over $100 billion in aid since 2022 new Natural News
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Canadian living in China sentenced to 24 months in prison for stealing battery technology from Tesla new Natural News
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El Salvador to continue purchasing Bitcoin despite agreement with IMF to scale back crypto policy new Natural News
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Study: Long-term exposure to common air pollutants linked to higher risk of deadly blood clots new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
FDA’s failure to act leaves Americans at risk from recalled drugs new Natural News
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NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ right-hand woman Ingrid Lewis-Martin resigns new Natural News
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Texas AG Ken Paxton’s lawsuit targets NY doctor who prescribed abortion-inducing drugs via telemedicine new Natural News
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Elon Musk seeks to turn SpaceX’s Starbase into a Texas city new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
Israel shuts down embassy in Ireland over anti-Israel policies new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
U.S. to increase troop presence in Syria, meet with previously designated terrorist group Hav’at Tahrir al-Sham new Natural News
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Surveillance rewires how we perceive others, affects the subconscious in primal ways new Natural News
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A lack of integrity in Academia: Harvard professor found GUILTY of fraudulent research to promote CRT theory new Natural News
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DRONE PSYOP SOLVED: Chinese drones from light show in September used by Biden Regime to control American thoughts and create anti-religious alien-invasion “narrative” ... new Natural News
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Sales of survival bunkers rise following Russia’s use of the Oreshnik hypersonic ballistic missile new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
Prominent Church of England leaders RESIGN from priesthood amid allegations of mishandled sex abuse cases new Natural News
20241222 04:40:22
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