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‘Narcissists – only more devious’: the truth about dark empaths new Guardian - Science
20241222 07:50:16
Scientists map use of epilepsy drug in England and Wales linked to birth defects new Guardian - Science
20241221 21:40:16
Vikings brought their animals to England, research suggests new Guardian - Science
20241221 16:41:05
Ancient faces brought back to life at Scottish museum new Guardian - Science
20241221 16:41:05
Newly uncovered sites reveal true power of great Viking army in Britain new Guardian - Science
20241221 16:41:05
Neolithic site in Orkney to be reburied after 20 years of excavation new Guardian - Science
20241221 16:41:05
Many prehistoric handprints show a finger missing. What if this was not accidental? new Guardian - Science
20241221 16:41:05
Exhibition of Pompeii’s sex scenes aims to decode erotica new Guardian - Science
20241221 12:10:17
Did you solve it? That Sally Rooney hat puzzle Guardian - Science
20241221 02:00:16
‘What many of us feel’: why ‘enshittification’ is Macquarie Dictionary’s word of the year Guardian - Science
20241220 21:20:15
Think you know the differences between UK and US spelling? Take our quiz Guardian - Science
20241220 16:30:08
Northern lights: the six best places in Europe to see the aurora borealis in 2025 Guardian - Science
20241220 16:30:08
Exhibition of Pompeii’s sex scenes aims to decode erotica Guardian - Science
20241220 16:30:08
Think you know the differences between UK and US spelling? Take our quiz Guardian - Science
20241220 15:10:06
Exhibition of Pompeii’s sex scenes aims to decode erotica Guardian - Science
20241220 15:10:06
Cats appear to grieve death of fellow pets – even dogs, study finds Guardian - Science
20241220 05:20:11
More ‘discreet’ Viagra-type drug could soon be available in Britain Guardian - Science
20241220 05:20:11
Did you solve it? That Sally Rooney hat puzzle Guardian - Science
20241220 00:30:04
There’s little evidence of a ‘brain microbiome’ Guardian - Science
20241219 19:10:05
Did you solve it? Could it be logic? Guardian - Science
20241219 19:10:05
Endangered Greek dialect is ‘living bridge’ to ancient world, researchers say Guardian - Science
20241219 19:10:05
More ‘discreet’ Viagra-type drug could soon be available in Britain Guardian - Science
20241219 14:10:22
Northern lights: the six best places in Europe to see the aurora borealis in 2025 Guardian - Science
20241219 09:10:05
‘Soft and calorie dense’: Chris van Tulleken on how ultra-processed foods keep us hooked – podcast Guardian - Science
20241219 09:10:05
Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns Guardian - Science
20241219 04:00:16
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