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Tapestry releases 2024 corporate responsibility report new Fashion Network USA
20241222 14:20:12
Estée Lauder names Olivier Dubos head of global travel retail new Fashion Network USA
20241222 14:20:12
Aritzia opens new Miami boutique at Dadeland Mall new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Kering seen closing property deal in early 2025 to cut debt load new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Savage X Fenty opens first store in New England new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Ulta is selling toys to hook kids as young as six on make-up new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Sweet smell of success for niche perfumes new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Loro Piana told Peru officials in April it doesn’t verify Vicuña worker pay new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
L'Oreal in talks to buy Migros' South Korean cosmetic unit, sources say new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Aether opens new flagship store in Utah new Fashion Network USA
20241222 13:00:27
Tapestry releases 2024 corporate responsibility report new Fashion Network USA
20241222 06:50:10
Chanel and 19M partner with Sciences Po's Maison des Arts et de la Création new Fashion Network USA
20241222 06:50:10
Estée Lauder names Olivier Dubos head of global travel retail new Fashion Network USA
20241222 06:50:10
Estée Lauder names Olivier Dubos head of global travel retail Fashion Network USA
20241221 04:00:01
Estée Lauder names Olivier Dubos head of global travel retail Fashion Network USA
20241221 02:10:08
Calvin Klein to return to New York Fashion Week runway, with debut Veronica Leoni colleciton Fashion Network USA
20241220 20:20:05
Modes seeks strategic partner as own label Modes_Garments doubles revenue in a year Fashion Network USA
20241220 20:20:05
Walmart says to miss climate targets as green challenges mount Fashion Network USA
20241220 20:20:05
Inspecs' chair to step down, to review its 'balance and composition' Fashion Network USA
20241220 20:20:05
Karen Millen upgrades jewellery license with Simon Harrison-designed fashion line Fashion Network USA
20241220 20:20:05
Nike's new CEO plans to go back to basics in brand overhaul effort Fashion Network USA
20241220 14:10:13
Luxury labels bulk up on lower-priced goods to appeal to middle-class shoppers Fashion Network USA
20241220 14:10:13
German retailers more pessimistic in holiday season, Ifo says Fashion Network USA
20241220 14:10:13
Reiss defies tough backdrop as sales and profits rise Fashion Network USA
20241220 14:10:13
Frasers founder Mike Ashley fails to win seat on Boohoo board Fashion Network USA
20241220 14:10:13
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20241222 14:20:12
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