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Memorial service held after Christmas market attack - as police say four women among those killed new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Magdeburg in shock as it tries to make sense of the senseless new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Grandmother, 80, 'fell to her knees' after IDF shot her six times during raid, says son new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
'I thought I won it': Fury reacts after losing to Usyk in heavyweight world title rematch new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Albania to ban TikTok for a year as country's PM claims app inciting violence and bullying new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
'Terrible tragedy': At least 38 killed in bus crash in Brazil new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Magdeburg in shock as it tries to make sense of the senseless after Christmas market attack new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Christmas market attack: What we know so far new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
'Public must be alert to possibility' of attacks new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Short supply of aid after Cyclone Chido new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Lord Coe aiming for complete transgender ban in women's events if he becomes Olympics chief new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Syria's new leader takes on an utterly broken nation: 'It's all ruins - where do we even start?' new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
Search for MH370 to resume a decade after flight vanished new Sky news - World
20241222 06:10:08
US Navy pilots shot down over Red Sea in apparent 'friendly fire' incident new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
How a teenager's holiday romance led to prison time in Dubai new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
Thousands greet the winter solstice at ancient Stonehenge new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
Motorist dead after driving into Texas shopping mall and injuring five new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
Baseball legend Rickey Henderson dies aged 65 new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
Victim's family forgives school shooter during funeral new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
One country to ban TikTok for a year after stabbing death of teen new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
Aussies rescued from Vanuatu after earthquake as flights resume new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
38 people die in a crash between a passenger bus and a truck in Brazil new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
Mourners gather to lay tributes for German Christmas market victims new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
French court convicts eight people of involvement in 2020 beheading of teacher new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
US government funding bill clears congress, averting a shutdown new World - 9News
20241222 05:40:13
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