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Microplastics in tea bags are linked to health problems: Experts warn they raise risk of cancer and infertility - after study found a ... new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
What Joe Wicks REALLY thinks about ADHD being caused by poor diet new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Scientists identify curious reason why some women don't know when to stop when it comes to booze new Mail Online - Health
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How many minutes does a cigarette knock off the life of a smoker? new Mail Online - Health
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How to make 2025 the year you beat that bad back in four simple steps - and why everything you thought you knew ... new Mail Online - Health
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Miracle Alzheimer's drug which could slow down the disease is being considered for use on the NHS - giving hope to millions of ... new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Changes to your FACE are tell-tale signs of killer heart problem, top GP reveals - and four other key symptoms no one should ... new Mail Online - Health
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Pioneering dental test can reveal your risk of cancer and dementia - but for £350, would YOU take it? new Mail Online - Health
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Unhealthiest UPFs should come with tobacco-style warning labels and have a marketing ban for young children, says Dr Chris van Tulleken new Mail Online - Health
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Weight-loss drugs better for slimming down than dieting, says expert new Mail Online - Health
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Pills for blood pressure could ease tremors for hundreds of thousands of Parkinson's sufferers, study finds new Mail Online - Health
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Eating breakfast in the morning can have dramatic impact on women's muscle strength, study finds new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
From hugs to dog walks and watching Michael McIntyre: Psychotherapist JULIA SAMUEL'S tips for a happy 2025 new Mail Online - Health
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Rapid hip operation that sees patients up and walking after two hours could help halve UK waiting lists new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Our son's terrifying illness is so rare only 28 other children have it... now we're on a quest to find a cure new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Outcry over Labour's plans for free weight loss jabs on the NHS as majority of Brits believe people should pay for treatment privately ... new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Cancer breakthrough as doctor discovers pet treatment shrinks stage four tumors new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Britain's filthiest pubs named and shamed: One in 40 boozers fail hygiene ratings... so is YOURS one of them? new Mail Online - Health
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The hidden health dangers lurking in your cup of tea - as experts warn tea bags can release billions of toxic microplastics into ... new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
The trendy 'healthy' alternative to cow's milk that may be RAISING your heart attack risk new Mail Online - Health
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Top breast cancer expert reveals only diet change that will guard against breast cancer... as disease continues to soar in under 50s new Mail Online - Health
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DR ELLIE: I'm a man and I suffer from constant urinary infections - antibiotics don't stop them coming back, do I just have ... new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Couples who diet together are more likely to lose more weight than those who go it alone, study suggests new Mail Online - Health
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Constipated? Top gut doctor reveals 'expert level toilet hack' that WILL instantly get your bowels moving... new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
Put on weight over Xmas? Study finds exact amount of weekly exercise that'll shift your festive bulge by February new Mail Online - Health
20241230 16:30:09
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