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AI to be used to stop wasteful A&E visits as NHS faces busiest winter new Independent - Health
20241222 05:20:06
Are you worried about the NHS this winter? new Independent - Health
20241222 05:20:06
Rise in flesh-eating bacteria cases in Australia as warnings issued new Independent - Health
20241221 17:30:11
Children born thanks to IVF pioneer find dad is scientist from his lab new Independent - Health
20241221 17:30:11
NHS spent more than two billion on private mental health hospitals Independent - Health
20241220 13:10:01
Christmas warning as flu cases soar in worst December for three years Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Flu hospitalisations up 360% from last year as NHS under strain Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
NHS to get drug which helps prevent hearing loss in children having chemotherapy Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Flu hospitalisations up 360% from last year as NHS under strain Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Report hits out at UK weight-loss clinic that secretly filmed clients Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Lucy Letby’s legal team faces a herculean task to win her appeal Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Oysters recalled over possible contamination with norovirus Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Call for action after ‘devastating’ rise in drink deaths in England Independent - Health
20241220 00:50:15
Louisiana patient becomes first severe case of birfd flu in the US Independent - Health
20241219 16:10:08
Hospitals running with 20 per cent less children’s doctors than needed Independent - Health
20241219 16:10:08
Call for action after ‘devastating’ rise in drink deaths in England Independent - Health
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Lucy Letby’s legal team face a herculean task to win her appeal Independent - Health
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Louisiana patient becomes first severe case of birfd flu in the US Independent - Health
20241218 20:20:08
What’s the best treatment for ADHD? Independent - Health
20241218 20:20:08
National probe into heart patient deaths amid NHS cardiology crisis Independent - Health
20241218 13:20:01
National probe into heart patient deaths amid NHS cardiology crisis Independent - Health
20241218 11:40:21
Urgent ‘festive flu’ warning as people urged to book pre-Christmas jab Independent - Health
20241218 05:30:20
Alabama woman is recovering well after receiving a pig kidney Independent - Health
20241218 05:30:20
New York men die from pneumonia after using bat poop to grow marijuana Independent - Health
20241218 05:30:20
New study finds best treatments for adults with ADHD Independent - Health
20241218 05:30:20
Health & medicine Life science
location :any > United Kindom >
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AU CA NZ UK US Global any
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