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Christmas jumper man walks for men's mental health, published at 07:24 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Family home hosts dementia-friendly piano concerts, published at 07:22 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Boy, 3, finally meets Santa after liver transplant, published at 07:20 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Widow urges those grieving at Christmas to talk, published at 07:15 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Boy's first 'proper Christmas' with donor heart, published at 07:13 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
'My idea to help son could be asthma game changer', published at 07:10 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
How to support those with neurodiversity at Christmas, published at 07:10 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Police to screen for undiagnosed ADHD, published at 07:10 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Mistaken identity murders, Rovers sacking and boat fire, published at 07:05 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Reindeer bring joy to 'Santa' in hospice, published at 06:25 new BBC Health
20241222 07:50:02
Generating mutated proteins through adversarial attacks on the AlphaFold2 model new News Medical
20241222 07:20:09
Advancing quality integrated health services through relational community engagement new News Medical
20241222 07:20:09
New research project aims to uncover molecular factors behind malaria’s deadliest strain new News Medical
20241222 07:20:09
Solving a decades-long puzzle in leishmaniasis drug development new News Medical
20241222 07:20:09
Assessing the impact of gozetotide in PSMA-positive prostate cancer new News Medical
20241222 07:20:09
Eyelashes as natural liquid deflectors for clear vision new News Medical
20241222 07:20:09
British stroke victim has been left with an Italian accent - 58-year-old from London laments about rare condition: 'I've lost my identity' new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Cold or flu? Experts on how to tell the difference as Christmas 'flunami' sweeps the UK... and when you need to seek medical ... new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Surgeon reveals the reason you can 'hear' your heartbeat when you lie with your ear on your pillow... and when it might be ... new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Study identifies intriguing personality factors that raise dementia risk - do you have any of them? new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
'Stopping the Pill turned me gay': Bizarre case of 28-year-old woman's sudden sexuality change is FOURTH linked to contraceptive new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Man's terrifying nightmares were a sign of a deadly brain condition that's left him fighting for his life in intensive care new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
I have the exact same excruciating back problem as Luigi Mangione... and it devastated my sex life. This is the agonizing truth no ... new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Seven in ten of the lowest paid NHS workers were forced to pay to park their car, figures reveal new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Labour is accused of taking NI from hospices then giving it back under £100m funding plan new Mail Online - Health
20241222 06:30:36
Health & medicine Life science
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